Cracks and Crevices



clean heartSo I was cleaning my house the other day, tidying up the living room. I vacuumed, dusted, straightened the pillows, etc. As I ran the vacuum over the area rug, I noticed some crumbs underneath the couch, unable to be reached by the vacuum. Now, I am the type that once I see it I can not let it go. So, I moved the couch and lo and behold more crumbs appear. I took out the special tools of the vacuum that allow you to get underneath furniture and vacuum the cracks and crevices of the couch not seen with the eye, and unable to be reached with the regular vacuum. Then…God spoke to me. He posed a question and said…”What if people really allowed me to get into the cracks and crevices of their lives, the hidden places of their hearts?”
You see, just like cleaning, many of us make the surface of our lives look good. From the outside we have it all together. We have a well polished life, not realizing the dirty stuff is hiding in the cracks and crevices. You see, in the cracks and crevices is where you find such things as doubt, fear, low self-esteem, anger, unhealed wounds, pessimism, etc. These things cause us to hold on to the past, miss the present, and block the future. It is the junk that rests in the cracks and crevices that prevent us from having a truly fulfilling life. Let’s face it, God already knows the real you, all the stuff in the cracks and crevices. He is waiting on you to discover the real you. A friend of mine once said something that has really stuck with me, “the biggest lie you can tell is the one you tell yourself”. Once you see the crumbs in your heart, don’t ignore them. Grab the right tool to clean them up. And that tool is God.

Having a clean heart is refreshing. Just like the pleasure experienced when you inhale in a freshly, cleansed home. Be aware that deep cleaning is a process. You might have to start room by room examining every surface to make sure you don’t miss anything. This may require  exploring your life from childhood on up looking for unhealed wounds, areas of unforgiveness, attachment injuries, broken relationships, negative self-talk, abuse, neglect, etc. Ask yourself, “Where have I been injured and never attended to the wound?” No injury is too great or too small, they all leave a trail of dirt.

I challenge you to examine the cracks and crevices of your heart and allow God to do a deep cleaning. When your heart is in its purest and cleanest state then can you truly experience what it is like to live out loud!

Live out Loud,

Dr. TC

8 thoughts on “Cracks and Crevices

  1. Karen Hall says:

    Tia, this right here just blessed my soul. If you don’t mind, I would like to use a portion of your message. I am Director of our Prison Ministry and I think they need to hear some of your word. Continue to let the Lord use you my dear.

    Liked by 1 person

    • drtiacrooms says:

      Absolutely! It blesses me that others are blessed from my writings. Please share and keep me posted on your experience! I will be adding your ministry to my prayer list as well. 🙂 If you haven’t actually signed up to follow my blog site, please do and feel free to share with others. xoxo


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